Be introduced: Lauriane Bensabbah – 3D Visualisation Specialist at Audi
Today we are coming along with a new ‘be introduced’ interview – this time with Lauriane Bensabbah, 3D Visualisation Specialist at Audi. Learn more about the career path of Lauriane, her studies and entry into the automotive industry, what opportunities have arisen for the Audi skysphere concept as a result of 3D Visualisation and Lauriane’s opinion on the role of 3D Visualisation in 2030.
What did you do for graduation / post-graduation and what was your entry into the industry?
I earned a Bachelor's Master in Digital Design at the Institut Superieur de Design (Rubika) in Valenciennes, France. I was able to learn modeling, rendering and animation. Across my scholarship I did a couple of internships. One at the end of my Bachelor degree at Toyota (Nice, France) where I learned sketch modeling with Maya and Alias for technicals, then at Ferrari (Maranello,Italy) at the end of my Master's. I have started working for them after my graduation in visualisation. Mostly in realtime reviews for design and CMF and renderings.
What opportunities have arisen for the Audi skyphere concept as a result of 3D Visualisation?
During the design process we presented the car most of the time in Real-time or VR for different departments such as Design, Engineering, CMF and Marketing. That’s a great tool when you want to quickly exchange your ideas. For the unveiling, we made some renderings as well. It gave us a real freedom to tell the story about the Audi skysphere concept. Because it is supposed to pay a tribute to Horch Heritage and celebrate the fact Audi has opened a new Design Studio in California. So to see all of that in pictures, I needed to set an environment around the car that can tell by the photography, the architecture and the nature, that this concept was directly inspired by the elegance of Bauhaus, the Art Deco in the 20’s of Los Angeles and all the vibes we can get here in Malibu.

What do you think will be the role of 3D Visualisation in 2030?
In the near future I hope 3D Visualisation will help more people to interpret their own ideas (space, objects, shapes, ...). Art is a suggestive proposal, very personal. So making 3D Visualisation seamless, affordable and collaborative will grow the creativity of everybody.
Pictures: Audi