'5+1' with Telma Negreiros – Vice President PR & Communication Europe at Lynk & Co

interview for ellectric with Vice President PR & Communication Europe at Lynk & Co Telma Negreiros

Meet Telma Negreiros – Vice President PR & Communication Europe at Lynk & Co. Lately we introduced the brand and its new approach to ownership and mobility. Now we talked to Telma to not only get to know Lynk & Co even better, but also to learn more about her in person. Among others Telma shares with us her opinion on how mobility will already change in the next five years and if she is satisfied with the mobility offer in her place of residence Berlin.

1. You are Vice President PR & Communication Europe at Lynk & Co. Can you walk us through a typical day in your life in this role?

Under normal world circumstances, the first thing I do is receive reports of the coverage and media analysis for the brand across the globe, after digesting the numbers with breakfast, I go and have a meeting to talk to my wonderful PR & Comms team where we review the coverage and reporting from the previous day and discuss all points of action ahead for that day and the week ahead. It is my task to not only ensure that the team is up-to-speed with the activities we do daily across Europe, but that this new, revolutionary brand retains its reputation as a world-leading disruptor. Most vital of all is to make sure that the boss, our CEO Alain Visser, is not only aware of the media activities we have that day, or week, or month – but to drive home our ambitions for the next year and beyond. Almost every single element of Lynk & Co – from the car to our Clubs, our members, the digital and tech team will all require my involvement, support, and attention. In between, I will normally have to field a phone call with queries and questions from members of the press from across Europe. Towards the end of play, I will then engage with my team again to brief them on action points deriving from earlier meetings which will lay the groundwork of our activities the next day.

2. Lynk & Co challenges the car industry conventions. What sets the brand apart from the traditional brands in the automotive sector?

Lynk & Co’s business model is fundamentally different from anything that you may see on the market today. The automotive industry has done practically the same thing for the last 100 years. They improve the product and technology around it, send it to the dealer and later earn money via servicing and maintenance. Customer care is left to the dealers resulting with OEMs being totally unaware of customer needs and trends out there. We think that it's about time the car industry realises that these are integral parts. We think it’s important as a car manufacturer to start to encounter your end-consumer and not just outsource that to someone not involved in the core product. We are here to make mobility simpler; Lynk & Co is a whole new take on the ownership model, we are direct. The hardware – the car – and its qualities are of course the core of the business model. But what the consumer ultimately are looking for is a comprehensive experience of having a car.

We offer subscription to mobility rather than ownership of a car and we do make really, really good cars but we also offer a new way of using those cars. Our membership-based approach makes it simple to get on the go. Members can access a car on a flexible, month-to-month basis and share with friends, family and the Lynk & Co community.

A car sits idle for 96% of its life and I think many people would agree that we need to change that. We need a new way to acquire, own and use cars! We are building a community of members who get the chance to experience the brand through our clubs. The Clubs are the center place of the Lynk & Co community, a hub to host events, showcase local partners and connect with members on a personal level. There are lots of cool car companies out there. But we’re not trying to be like them.

3. As we all know the mobility industry is still dominated by men. How do diversity and gender distribution look like at Lynk & Co? Where do you see the benefits and chances of having more women in this industry?

One of the things that attracted me to join Lynk & Co is the gender division. I am proud to say that we have 50% female and 50% male colleagues working at our company, also in our management team. Last year we hired 100 people in that same percentage. We celebrate over 26 different nationalities and counting.
How can an industry change if the ones making the decisions are not a reflection of modern society? You can't get a different perspective on business when you keep doing the same thing repeatedly. It is time for a necessary change. It’s time to do things differently!

interview for ellectric with Vice President PR & Communication Europe at Lynk & Co Telma Negreiros

4. You live and work in Berlin. Are you satisfied with the mobility offer in the city and how do you get around?

Berlin is one of the most exciting, vibrant cities in the world. It boasts cool architecture, outstanding avantgarde art and a vibrant, dynamic people who make up quite a unique and eclectic culture mix. But like any major city in Europe, the infrastructure to travel around is falling behind the rapid pace and development of modern mobility. Berlin has an advanced offer of mobility across the city and it has the highest share of people walking, using public transport, or cycling to work compared to any other European capital. It has ambitions to be a city of short distances, with infrastructure for bicycles is expanding and the introduction of public bike rental and ride sharing services. It offers much, if not more than other cities you’d travel to, and I personally prefer to walk, however with a family in tow, sometimes a car is necessary too. If only it didn’t sit on my driveway most days of the week.
However, people's needs and the market is evolving at pace, how often we use cars will be psychoanalysed and we know Lynk & Co will not only be the perfect option for those looking to minimise the stationary time of cars, just sitting there wasting space on the street, but also to make the lives of consumers easy by giving them hassle free access to mobility and offering up a little peace of mind.

5. Let’s talk about the future of mobility. With Lynk & Co you introduce a new approach to ownership and mobility. How do you think will mobility already change in the next five years?

More people are looking for different ownership and mobility solutions than what the current market is offering. People want a seamless and hassle-free user experience for a reasonable price and are gradually moving away from privately held vehicle ownership.
Countries like The Netherlands is following up on this movement, who are planning to have some of its main city's emission-free by 2030, while already introducing low emission zones throughout the country. This shows that the unique offer of Lynk & Co is meeting the demands of the current mobility needs that is growing amongst the public. The need for change is here and so are we!

interview for ellectric with Vice President PR & Communication Europe at Lynk & Co Telma Negreiros

And the +1 question from Telma to you: “If you could pick one, what would be your mobility solution of choice?“

Thank you Telma for the inspiring talk and the great insight.
As the brand is planning to open a club in Berlin this year, we can’t wait to experience the world of Lynk & Co ourselves.


Pictures: Lynk & Co
Interview: Britta Reineke